Bragod join the festival journeys

We’re delighted that Wales’ internationally acclaimed Celtic music and performance duo Bragod will join the Landscapes of Faith festival journeys closing the first festival journey and opening the New Library in Llantwit Major with a newly commissioned setting of the famous Welsh words of Gweddi’r Orsedd.
Bragod present and interpret Welsh music and poetry ranging from the 6th century to ritual and popular Welsh songs of the 18th and 19th century, using original instruments including the Crwth, a six-stringed bowed lyre, celebrated in Wales for over 800 years.

the Landscapes of Faith festival approached Mary-Anne and Robert, who sing and perform ancient Welsh bardic music, asking if they would create a new musical setting of the famous prayer that is still recited today in the bardic ceremonies at the annual National Eisteddfod of Wales. The prayer was composed by Edward Williams who re-instituted the bardic traditions of Wales at the end of the 18th century and created the modern Eisteddfod movement.

Edward Williams was a Unitarian and a pacificst and his beautiful poem has a lasting legacy in the Eisteddfod ceremonies.
Dyro Dduw dy Nawdd;
Ag yn nawdd, nerth;
Ag yn nerth, Deall;
Ag yn Neall, Gwybod;
Ac yngwybod, gwybod y cyfiawn;
Ag yngwybod yn cyfiawn, ei garu;
Ag o garu, caru pob hanfod;
Ag ymhob Hanfod, caru Duw.
Duw a phob Daioni.
Grant, O God, Thy protection;
And in protection, strength;
And in strength, understanding;
And in understanding, knowledge;
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;
And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;
And in that love, the love of all existences;
And in the love of all existences, the love of God.
God and all goodness.

Bragod will perform the newly commissioned Gweddi’r Orsedd at Llantwit Major, the Pontypridd Rocking Stones and at Patrishow as part of the Landscapes of Faith festival journeys.